FAQs about Polaris Slingshot Rentals
If you’ve been looking for an adventure in Tucson, you might have come across Polaris Slingshot rentals. When you rent one of these vehicles, you can do everything from tooling around town to heading up to the top of Mt. Lemmon while basking in the sunshine and enjoying the wind in your hard. If the idea of a Slingshot rental has captured your attention, there’s a good chance that you have some questions in mind about the process and what to expect. Here are the answers to some of the questions Electra Motor Rentals hears most often from our customers.
What exactly is a Polaris Slingshot?
Although it may look a cross between the Batmobile and a convertible, the Polaris Slingshot is actually a three-wheeled motorcycle. It has the power and maneuverability of a motorcycle, but the lower profile and easier steering of a car. People who enjoy the freedom of riding a motorcycle, but also want to sit side-by-side with a passenger love the Slingshot for combining the best of both worlds.
Do you need a special license to drive a Slingshot?
Licensing rules for the Slingshot are made on a state level. In Arizona, you don’t need a motorcycle license to drive the Slingshot. If you have a driver’s license, you’re ready to ride. At Electra Motor Rentals, we also require that our customers be 21 years of age or over to drive a Slingshot rental.
Is the Slingshot hard to drive?
The Slingshot packs a lot of power into a small, lightweight vehicle. As a result, it may take a few minutes to get used to the feel. Otherwise, though, most people find it very easy to drive. The inside of the vehicle is very basic without many bells and whistles, so there are not a lot of buttons to worry about pushing. Essentially, you can turn it on and go.
You should wear a helmet and protective eyewear in the Slingshot. Give yourself time for a little practice as you get the feel of driving the Slingshot, and you’ll soon be confident enough to hit the road. As an added bonus, the Slingshots from Electra Motor Rentals have automatic transmissions, so you won’t have to deal with the hassle of a manual transmission.
What are the Slingshot rental periods?
Our Polaris Slingshots are available to rent for a minimum of two hours and a maximum of seven days.
Are you ready to get behind the wheel of a Slingshot? For Slingshot rentals in Tucson, call Electra Motor Rentals at 520 600 0879.